
The Heller Personal Injury Law Firm in New York, Queens, NY

The Heller Personal Injury Law Firm - New York, Queens I Attorneys, Lawyers
September 25, 2023

If someone is injured in an accident caused by someone else's negligence, they are entitled to compensation. At our firm, we carefully review each case and prepare as if we are going to trial to ensure our clients receive the full compensation they deserve. We are dedicated to representing our clients with passion and seeking the best possible settlement or verdict for them.

The Heller Personal Injury Law Firm in New York, Queens, NY

Personal injury refers to the physical or mental harm caused by the negligence or intentional actions of another person.

Often, individuals who have suffered personal injuries have the right to receive compensation for various losses they have incurred. These losses may include medical costs, lost income, physical pain and emotional distress, and other damages. To file a personal injury claim, the victim must prove that the responsible party caused the injury either through negligence or intentional actions.

It is crucial to seek medical attention and legal guidance promptly if you have been injured in an accident or another incident. Personal injury cases can be complicated and require an experienced attorney's assistance.

If you experience an accident or incident in New York, personal injury laws permit you to pursue compensation for any harm or losses sustained. Various circumstances, such as car accidents, slips and falls, medical malpractice, and product liability, can result in personal injury cases in New York.

In New York, there is a comparative negligence system in place, meaning that if a victim is determined to be partially at fault for an accident, their damages may be reduced accordingly. However, for car accidents, there is also a "no-fault" insurance system, which allows injured parties to receive compensation for medical expenses and lost wages from their insurance company, regardless of who is at fault for the accident.

If you have sustained injuries in an accident in New York, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately and get in touch with a proficient personal injury lawyer. A competent attorney can assist you in comprehending your legal rights and options and strive to help you recover fair compensation for the damages and losses you have incurred.

The Heller Personal Injury Law Firm shall zealously represent our clients and seek the best possible settlement and verdict. Call now for a free consultation with an experienced attorney. Our New York personal injury attorneys are here to help you through this difficult time. We speak Polish, Spanish, and Ukrainian.

Heller Law Firm, PC

Work Related Injuries

66-24 Fresh Pond Road, 2nd Floor
Ridgewood, NY
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