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Books on Polish-American
financial and pension issues
Do you have any financial or legal issues in Poland?
Are you considering returning to Poland, or retiring there
retirement? Here are books that will help you:

Polish and American pensions, combining them
and implications of the Social Security Agreement.
The scope and meanderings of the March 1, 2009 pension agreement.
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In Poland after signing the agreement. Contract vs. illegals. The $35 price tag.
WEP: How to fight the reduction of Social Security
For Poles. Windfall Elimination Provision.
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dues. How to prove your innocence, hardship,
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Social Security before you read it! Price $35.
Return to Poland - financial and legal dilemmas of
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green card. Formalities, work, taxes, inheritances in Poland
and in the US. $35.
Retirement of a retiree in Poland
A handbook for seniors returning to the country from the US.
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abroad. How much non-citizenship costs. How the SSA checks you out of the country.
abroad. Departure vs. IRA, 401(k), company salaries. Two pensions
Across the Atlantic. Where to leave your money: in the US or in Poland.
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In Poland. Social assistance for seniors in Poland.
If you change your mind. $35.
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A prosperous future.
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programs. Reverse mortgage. $35.

Need expert information? Read the books of the Guide to Success.
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